Welcome! You have reached the personal website of Klaus Martin Weber. Here you can find some pictures and information about Great Britain, and also about Speyer, my former town of residence.
Some pages about Great Britain
Cornwall - here a pictue gallery about the poplular county in the far southwest
Peak District - a picture gallery about interesting places in the national park
Derbyshire - a picture gallery about the part which does not belong to the Peak District
Through the year in GB
A brief overview what is happening through the year
A few words about left-handed traffic and some traffic rules in Great Britain
Beyond Limits at Chatsworth 2009 - a modern sculpture exhibition held in Chatsworth Garden
Some pages about Speyer
Speyerer Cathedral - a picture gallery about the biggest and most important building in Speyer
The other interesting sights in Speyer in this picture gallery
Public Fountains in Speyer
What's happening during the year in Speyer can be seen in this gallery
A few thoughts about the relationship of Speyer and the Brezel, including a recipe
Corona in Speyer
Please note that I don't live in Speyer anymore, so there will be not many updates from now on
I hope you enjoy browsing my site!
www.klamawe.eu Copyright © 2016